Existential Stoic Podcast
The Existential Stoic Podcast is a podcast where great friends Danny & Randy regularly discuss existentialism, stoicism, philosophy, and living the good life!
479 episodes
Stop Wasting Your Life Waiting for the Perfect Moment
Are you waiting for the perfect moment to make a big change in your life? Have you ever put your own desires, wants, or happiness on hold because the time just wasn’t right? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why you should stop wasting l...
Season 5
Episode 479

How to be an Outlier
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you want to live authentically? Do you find it difficult to stand alone, outside the crowd? In this episode, Danny and Randy explore how to be an outlier....
Season 5
Episode 478

Will Good Conquer Evil?
In books, movies, video games, and more, we are reminded again and again that good will conquer evil. But in the real world, will good actually conquer evil? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether good will conquer evil. S...
Season 5
Episode 477

Why is Life Unfair and What to do About it
Does life seem unfair? What would life look like if it was fair? What do we mean when we say that something is unfair? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why life is unfair and what you can do about it. Subscribe to ESP's
Season 5
Episode 476

Do You Need to be a Millionaire?
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! How much money do you need? Can money solve all your problems? Does wealth determine quality of life? Can you be successful, happy, if you’re not wealthy? In this e...
Season 5
Episode 475

Misattribution & Modern Stoicism
Misattribution is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone incorrectly assigns the cause or source of their emotions, memories, or experiences. For example, you feel down or depressed, so you go buy something you don’t need. How can we address...
Season 5
Episode 474

How Responsible Should You Be?
Sartre famously argued that we are absolutely responsible for ourselves, our actions, and our choices. In contrast, many people blame the world, society, and others for their problems. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss how responsible yo...
Season 5
Episode 473

Trying to Handle Tomorrow's Problems Today
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you feel like you need to solve all your problems today, right now? Do your problems feel impossible, insurmountable? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss tr...
Season 5
Episode 472

The Origin of Problems
Everyone has problems. Where do our problems come from? Can we ever be free of problems? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the origin of problems. Subscribe to ESP's
Season 5
Episode 471

3 Thoughts That Will Ruin Your Life!
Is how you think influencing how you feel? Are there thoughts we should all avoid? What types of thinking are most harmful? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss 3 thoughts that will ruin your life.We reference the following boo...
Season 5
Episode 470

Creating a New Narrative
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! The stories we tell ourselves determine how we interpret the world. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the importance of personal narratives and explore how t...
Season 5
Episode 469

Bushido - The Way of the Warrior
The ideal of Bushido, often translated as "The Way of the Warrior," represents a code of moral principles followed by samurai in feudal Japan. What are the core virtues of Bushido? Is the ideal of Bushido still applicable in contemporary times?...
Season 5
Episode 468

Do We Have Free Will?
Are we responsible for our actions, our choices? Are we free, or are our actions determined by other factors? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether we have free will. Subscribe to ESP's
Season 5
Episode 467

How to Wait
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Waiting is hard. Most of us have become accustomed to instant gratification, same-day delivery, and immediacy in our lives. Most good things in life, however, take ...
Season 5
Episode 466

Quieting the Mind
Have you ever struggled with your own negative thoughts? Have you said things to yourself that you would never say to someone you love? How can we quiet our negative inner monologue? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss quieting the mind.
Season 5
Episode 465

Will the Future Happen like Science Fiction Predicts?
Science fiction books and movies often imagine futures with amazing inventions, technological marvels, and other advances that are currently impossible. Will any of the futures these stories imagine actually become reality? In this episode, Dan...
Season 5
Episode 464

Start With No
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! To find your Yes, sometimes you must first embrace your No. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why it’s important to start with No to create the space to star...
Season 5
Episode 463

Is Life Harder Now Than It Was in the Past?
Does it seem like the world couldn’t be any worse than it is now? Do you think things were better in the past? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether life is harder now than it was in the past.Subscribe to ESP's
Season 5
Episode 462

Truth & Perspective
Nietzsche famously argued that truth is a matter of perspective. If truth depends on perspective, is it possible to know anything without assuming a point of view? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss truth and perspective.Subscribe...
Season 5
Episode 461

How to be Happy Now
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Are you planning to be happy at some point in the future? Will you be happy when you land your new job, retire, achieve a specific goal, or …? Is it possible to be ...
Season 5
Episode 460

Holiday Blues
If you’re like me, the holidays are a time when you are more likely to struggle with depression and hopelessness. Why do we struggle around the holidays? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the holiday blues. Subscribe to ESP...
Season 5
Episode 459

Having a Better Attitude
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Our attitude determines how we see and interpret the world. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss tips for how to have a better attitude. Subscribe t...
Season 5
Episode 458

When You Have Too Much on Your Plate...
This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you say “Yes” too often? Are you too busy? Do you feel stressed, anxious, and out of sorts? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss what to do when you have too...
Season 5
Episode 457